06/06/2012 15:18

Adopt draft selected works

 Experience surge Tao sand for 30 years, Chinese mainland consults the company development Lang You not and together, the professional level height is different, haven't the fire, steady development haven't of fluctuate, sell a voice have no vestige.According to non- authorities statistics, numerous mainlands consult the development of company, it are the mature principles that comes from abroad to consult company to operate principle and all of thoughts.All equally is study with draw lessons from, why native is the predestination consulting the development of company as different as chalk and cheese?Such as with adopt many coetaneous the well-known cheap sun glasses company all don't know a trace and shadow now, but adopt it's still full of vigor.

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   Adopt 16 in the last yearses are consulting an industry to create new style, still shining thriving source of vitality, be attained a brand marketing of know line to unite as one, is "know", "go"ing and"from know to go of guarantee" three levels all attained last science of strategic thought and organization idea reasonably programming and performance.

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   "Know" be to consult knowledge and technical ability of continuously study and absorption, and the independence creates various marketing technique.

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